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About Dunnington Consulting


I consult with private B2B business owners to build the company they're proud of, grow with time and financial freedom, toward the future they intend.

A profoundly valuable experience happened early in my career when I introduced “Resources Management” in a factory with 5 unions and 3500 people. RM catalyzes productive collaborations to help people find better ways. We spent $10k to pilot it with 48 people and it yielded $1.2 million in 90 days – no jobs lost. We ran it and its variations for years. Its lessons have rippled through my entire business life, and spawned a relentless search for better ways.

RM catalyzed 30+ years of "people-first" business consulting. Associate Partner and Principal Executive in the "big 4." Regional VP in a mid-size consultancy. Director of Management Services in a Fortune 500. Independent since 9/11.

Long story short, I have grown toward “conscious capitalism:” purpose-driven, people-first, planet-responsible, stakeholder-responsive. Running a business this way as a force for good attracts valuable investors, customers and employees, while creating a more secure future for all. As Henry Ford noted: “A business that makes only money is a poor business.” Having a clear, elevating larger purpose that you care about, and work at, matters.

Truth is you don't rise to the level of your intentions. You fall to the level of your systems. Hire the right people, operate “people-first,” and they will gladly deliver customer value. Profits and learning are the outcomes.

Turns out this is very good for business. The daily business runs better -more fun, time freedom, profit, less risky – and it gets you transition-ready. Owners often wait too long to start this: plan on a year of preparation for each decade of operation.

A recent study revealed that 74% of owners who hadn’t prepared, just sold their businesses, reported being unhappy within a year, regardless of the money they’d made. A tragic bell they can't unring.

I've grown adept at helping entrepreneurs to lead “people-first,” scale, sync up purpose, brand and culture - and prepare themselves and their companies for transitions. People succeed with greater ease, inspiration, energy, impact.


I understand how pivotal and challenging this transition can be - to get the right people in the jobs, given what the evolvng business needs. It's the tip of the "people-first" spear. Having navigated this many times, I'm always learning, but I like to think I've already made and learned to anticipate, prevent, or fix many key mistakes.


Assets or technologies make things possible, but people make them happen. I offer a unique, proven approach to creating a powerhouse workforce - with people who are so well trained they could work anywhere, but so well led they stay and grow.


I have been building better organizations for 30 years – a record of results, innovation, learning, finding better ways. Proven, systematic approaches work well. Strengths are around growing recurring revenue, increasing NPS scores, getting great people in the jobs, aligning purpose, brand with a culture of continuous improvement. "People First."


I help owners gain time and financial freedom, build an asset - and have a life - with proven "do with" tools and practices that they don't have time to invent, but can adapt well.


Everybody has a passion. Ours is helping businesses be a force for good. Conscious capitalism spoken here. Turns out it’s very good for business.


*Guided a solar company CEO to lead the change from founder-led to leadership team operations to get transition ready
*Helped a B2B owner replace her rainmaking role by hiring a sales force and creating a business development function, greatly increasing her time and financial freedom
*Helped a fitness company owner survive the business impacts of covid by lowering her break even point and moving 75% of her revenue streams to digital sources
*Worked with the owner to redesign and rebuild her professional services company following a partner dispute and attempted coup.
*Worked with an IT services company leadership team develop and implement an enterprise risk management strategy - and develop as a team as it prepared for ownership transition
* Led the city/county/university proposal to design a community energy efficiency and renewables program. Won an 11-state contest and start-up funding.

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